ENGLISH LANGUAGE CHALLENGES I think I got a great experience in English from the university. During my college years I was never able to function very well in this subject and now at the university I had a second chance to be able to do things in the best way since we started with the contents. About blogs I could say that they are very fun and you really learn a lot by being able to express your opinion in English on various topics that are related to the university and with other classmates from other careers. It was very fun to be able to tell anecdotes or opinions that I had about the race or about some event in my life. I still think that I need to have more confidence to speak English and day by day I try to think about how to do it in any opportunity that comes my way to speak it, either at work or during the relaxing time at home in which I usually watch series, movies and listen to music in English in order to improve it. Outside of class I usually occupy it from time ...
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CHANGES TO MY STUDY PROGRAMME Personally, I think that in terms of curriculum the program is fine in the workloads, I think that the fields complement the current academic load well. the readings and classes give enough load to distribute throughout the semesters. In the faculty, perhaps it would enable the libraries so that they are easier to access since some texts or bibliographies are difficult to find. On the subject of technologies, it would facilitate access to programs that as students we have to use to carry out many studies and analyzes. In this I mean arcgis pro and it would be mainly equipping the students' computers with a greater capacity for the program to flow without problems and many of them require many computer resources and make the development of these tasks a bit complicated. I will also enable drone driving courses that are a very useful tool to complement geography studies, mainly in some area of the faculty or in some other place available by the uni...
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TOOLS AND UNIVERSITY One of the best tolos that i usually use in my university life is the whiteboard of my room. I remember that I got it in a barter that was held near my mom's place of work. this whiteboard helped me a lot to study for psu and now it helps me in college. Currently it helps me to make diagrams about the subjects I study, it even helps me to make sketches of maps that I would later edit with my computer. another tool that helps me a lot is office programs. With it you can do data studies in excel, design presentations with power point and do tests with word. As a last study tool I could mention my cell phone. in it I can read pdf, reports or see my notes and also listen to music that helps me concentrate while I study in the long sleepless nights. With it I can also take photos of the landscapes that we study in some of the subjects. I answer emails and I can communicate with friends to study. There are also several more that I usually occupy but that due t...
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best holiday I remember that the best vacation I had was in 2018. That time we went camping with some friends for a week in El Cajon del Maipo. I remember that during the days we used to take walks through different places that were nearby, we also bathed in the river. I remember that at night we told horror stories and also sometimes we used to play music with a speaker that would connect us with nature. That time was very important to us since we had just finished school and it was a trip that we always wanted to take. The fact that we would no longer be together so often gave a special connotation to that trip and the truth was an experience that since then we usually try to repeat whenever possible. Another thing that we also liked about that trip was the possibility of going up to some viewpoints where we could see the incredible nature and geography of the place. I remember that on a walk we did we had a few inconveniences that left us with a vastly funny memory and e...
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A COUNTRY THAT I HOPE TO KNOW A country that I really would like to go to Africa, specifically what is the southern part of the continent where we find countries such as South Africa, Angola, Tanzania, among others. I really don't have a specific reason, but if I really had to look for a reason, it is for the simple pleasure of knowing the continent that gave rise to many species, including the human species. I have some knowledge of África, one of them is they have a beatiful landscapes, like coast or the African savanna. Other informtaion is that this place have really important montains, one of them is the mount Kilimanjaro. If I had the opportunity I would like to be able to go to study and if it is possible to work within the geographical issues that we can find in that region of the world. The latter is because I hope to become a geographer in the future and have the chances of being able to travel to different parts, obviously Chile first, but ultimately travel. I ...